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Hotel u Zumera - Our apartments


«Hotel u Zumera» is a recreation complex located in the village of Kryvorivnia, Ivano-Frankivsk Region, Ukraine. It is known for its cozy atmosphere and excellent conditions for recreation in the Carpathians.

Hotel offers a variety of amenities for guests, including comfortable rooms, a restaurant with traditional Ukrainian cuisine. We offer different types of rooms with different levels of comfort, including standard rooms, suites and family rooms.

«Economy» rooms

«Economy» rooms

It is a simple and comfortable space that offers affordable accommodation for those looking for economical accommodation options.

Price: 250 UAH/night for 1 person
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«Standard» rooms

«Standard» rooms

A standard room in our hotel is a comfortable and cozy room that offers everything you need for a comfortable stay.

Price: 400 UAH/night for 1 person
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